



Some animations to get the best about volcanim.

Six animations to understand volcanism, used in geology (high school level students):1- MAGMA VISCOSITY AND TYPE OF ERUPTION: Animation to understand how a fluid or viscous magma can lead to an eruption of explosive or effusive kind.2- DISTRIBUTION OF VOLCANOES OF THE WORLD: Animation to visualize the distribution of effusive and explosive volcanoes in the ocean ridges and oceanic trenches.3- VOLCANIC RISK (eg Reunion Island): entertainment to highlight the volcanic hazard, issues and therefore the volcanic risks.4- MONITORING VOLCANOES: Animation to understand how volcano monitoring instruments work.5- PREVENTION OF VOLCANIC RISKS: Animation to know more about means of prevention when dealing with volcanic hazards.6- HISTORY OF "FOURNAISE" volcano (Reunion Island): Animation to understand more about "Piton de la Fournaise" volcano history.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

5 stars just because they explain how volcanos works, and the animation looks nice. But can you'll put an English language?


How to set the language in English?

Manilyn Galarosa

Very good

daniele fromant

Didnt function well on my android

Verte-Arbusto's Schumann-Resonance-Harmonics

It's good, but how do these doofuses not know English? There are no English in this
